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Personal savings rate annual % of gross income since 1960

August 12.png

Annualized Returns (Source: GMO)

August 11.png

Real Earnings Growth by Decade (Source: Robert Shiller)

August 9.png

Gold Market History (Source: Morgan Stanley Research)

August 7.png

Interest rates versus inflation since 1940

August 5.png

Inflation-adjusted returns of stocks and bonds since 1960

August 4.png

Gold price adjusted for inflation since 1920

August 3.png

Average annual tax drag for 5 years ending December 2020

August 2.png

The high cost of investor behavior 1984-2020 (Source: Russell Investor Group)

August 1.png

Tight credit spreads show the need for selectivity (Source: Capital Group)

July 31.png

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