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Pension Fund Asset Allocation by Class

Chart 54.png

VC Median Net IRRs and Quartile Boundaries

Chart 53.png

U.S. Treasury Returns Under Interest Rate Changes

Chart 52.png

Net Annual Returns of Each Asset Over Different Periods

Chart 51.png

Market Corrections and REIT Performance Over Time

Chart 50.png

U.S. REITs Trading at a Premium to NAVs

Chart 49.png

Length of Drawdown vs. Recovery in Major S&P Sell-Offs

Chart 48.png

S&P 500 Index: Number of All-Time Highs 1929-2024

Chart 47.png

Average Cumulative S&P 500 Total Returns 1988-2023

Chart 46.png

S&P 500 vs. Small-Cap Value


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