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World GDP--Contribution to Growth

World GDP--Contribution to Growth.png

Public Debt per Capita

Public Debt per Capita.png

Public Debt as a Percentage of GDP

Public Debt as a Percentage of GDP.png

Oil Supply--Unrelenting

Oil Supply--Unrelenting.png

Global Growth Forecasts-Revised Down

Global Growth Forecasts-Revised Down.png

U.S. Nominal GDP (YoY) and Recessions

U.S. Nominal GDP (YoY) and Recessions.png

U.S. Government Debt Since 1790

U.S. Government Debt Since 1790.png

U.S. Debt on Track to Fuel Economic Crisis

U.S. Debt on Track to Fuel Economic Crisis.png

U.S. Debt Held by the Public is on an Unsustainable Path

U.S. Debt Held by the Public is on an Unsustainable Path.png

U.S. Debt Held by the Public is Historically High

U.S. Debt Held by the Public is Historically High.png

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