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What is Representativeness

What is Representativeness.png

Market Implied Central Bank Expectations

Market Implied Central Bank Expectations.png

EM Standard Versus Small Cap Market Returns

EM Standard Versus Small Cap Market Returns.png

Percentage of U.S. Equity Funds Outperformed by Benchmarks

Percentage of U.S. Equity Funds Outperformed by Benchmarks.png

Bad Brokers Don't Leave the Business-They Just Move on to a Different Firm

Bad Brokers Don't Leave the Business-They Just Move on to a Different Firm.png

Negative Yields in Government Bond Markets

Negative Yields in Government Bond Markets.png

$10.000 in Stocks in 1926 Grew to $53.9 Mil

$10.000 in stocks in 1926 grew to $53.9 Mil.png

Since 1926 Recessions Have Happened on Average Every 59 Months

since 1926 recessions have happened on average every 59 months.png

Inflation Since the Industrial Revolution

Inflation Since the Industrial Revolution 1.png

Historical Returns vs. Historical Occurrence of Severe Loss (5-year asset allocations) (Jan.1960- Dec. 2015)

Historical Returns vs. Historical Occurrence Of Severe Loss (5-year asset allocations Jan.1960- Dec. 2015).png

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